Ebook arikunto 2006
Ebook arikunto 2006

Based on the results of the calculation of the t-test, the null hypothesis (H o) is rejected and the working hypothesis (H 1)is received. After testing requirements analysis, then tested the hypothesis by t-test calculation. The test results showed that the homogeneity of both classes homogeneous. The test results showed that both classes of normality normal distribution. Sheet test or tests to determine student learning outcomes Civics, which had previously been done testing the validity and reliability with justification experts and analyzed with normality and homogeneity test both the control and the experimental class class. The data collection techniques performed by using a test sheet or tests performed after a given learning material. Samples were taken using simple random Sampling. The research was conducted in Kebon Baru SDN 10 Pagi by the sample is fifth grade students in the second semester of academic year 2016-2017. Purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of cooperative learning approaches types think, pair, and share the learning outcomes of civics in elementary school fifth grade students.

Ebook arikunto 2006