Pokemon ultra sun cheat codes citra rare candy
Pokemon ultra sun cheat codes citra rare candy

On your way to Resolution Cave, you will encounter Sina and Dexio. Key Stoneĭefeat the Elite Four and complete the Ultra Beast side quest, then go to Poni Meadow. Defeat him to get the Dubious Disc, which allows you to obtain Porygon-Z. Dubious Discĭefeat Team Rainbow Rocket, then return to Aether Paradise and talk to Faba. In the event, it is revealed that Team Rainbow Rocket has taken over both the Festival Plaza and Aether Foundation, and they are being led by all of the major villains from the previous games in the series. Note: Only ten QR codes can be scanned per day, and you will only have one chance at catching the rare Pokemon that spawned from the QR codes used.ĭefeat the Elite Four and complete the Ultra Beast side quest to unlock the Episode RR event the next morning. Additionally, once a QR code is scanned, you will gain an entry in the Pokedex. These are all rare Pokemon you cannot find anywhere else. Monday: Totodile (Melemele), Spheal (Akala), Swinub (Ula'ula), Conkeldurr (Poni) Tuesday: Deino (Melemele), Luxio (Akala), Duosion (Ula'ula), Togekiss (Poni) Wednesday: Horsea (Melemele), Honedge (Akala), Roselia (Ula'ula), Leavanny (Poni) Thursday: Klink (Melemele), Venipede (Akala), Staravia (Ula'ula), Serperior (Poni) Friday: Chikorita (Melemele), Bellsprout (Akala), Vigoroth (Ula'ula), Samurott (Poni) Saturday: Litwick (Melemele), Marill (Akala), Axew (Ula'ula), Emboar (Poni) Sunday: Cyndaquil (Melemele), Gothita (Akala), Rhyhorn (Ula'ula), Eelektross (Poni)

pokemon ultra sun cheat codes citra rare candy

There is a different Pokemon available each day of the week. After getting those points, scan one of the four islands for a rare Pokemon. Use the Island Scan ability to scan ten QR codes to get 100 QR points (10 points per scan).

pokemon ultra sun cheat codes citra rare candy

Every Pokemon has its own unique QR code.

pokemon ultra sun cheat codes citra rare candy

Scan the QR codes using your Nintendo 3DS camera.

pokemon ultra sun cheat codes citra rare candy

Once the QR Scanner becomes available in the game, you can access it under the Pokedex to scan QR codes to unlock rare Pokemon in the game.

Pokemon ultra sun cheat codes citra rare candy